Tag: Republicans

Deep State to the rescue

Deep State to the rescue

I have a confession. I was a member of the deep state. Yes, I am a retired civil servant, a retired federal employee, and proud to add a former member of the deep state. I was there to do a job and I think I did it well. I worked in the area of public health.

I was never a whistle blower but think federal employees who see something that seems wrong need to bring it to the attention of those who can look into it. It is important to catch problems before they get too big or cause more harm.
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Are Republicans against election security ?

Are Republicans against election security ?

I was thinking back on my posts on Mitch McConnell (aka Moscow Mitch) and election security and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s opposition to what has been called a bipartisan election bill. One answer to why he opposes it is that it is really a Democratic bill.

H.R.2722 was passed by the House last month and has been “Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration” on June 28 according to Congress.gov
Continue reading “Are Republicans against election security ?”

#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not

#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not

Lately there has been a lot of talk about Moscow Mitch (or #MoscowMitch), a new nickname or perhaps title for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Is this deserved or not?

I tend to think it appropriate but there is opinion on both sides of the issue. Continue reading “#MoscowMitch, a deserved nickname or not”

US Election security

US Election security

Yes, we need to increase our election security. But there are some who think it unnecessary or perhaps they welcome Russian intervention as it has helped them in the past and they hope it will continue to keep them in power. But that is just my opinion and many agree but I am getting a bit ahead.
Continue reading “US Election security”

Hawley healthcare hypocrisy in Missouri

Hawley healthcare hypocrisy in Missouri

Today I wish to focus on one especially disturbing case of healthcare hypocrisy by Josh Hawley who is running for a US Senate seat in Missouri. My recent posts have focused on Republican hypocrisy on healthcare, specifically the pre-exiting conditions safeguard built into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. In these posts I have described recent Republican dishonest claims of support for this important safeguard while their actions actions attempt to undermine it.

I find Josh Hawley to be a particularly disturbing healthcare hypocrite. He now claims to be in favor of pre-existing condition coverage. I find Hawley’s actions as Missouri Attorney General inconsistent with that claim.
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Details: GOP healthcare big lie

Details: GOP healthcare big lie

More on the GOP Big Lie on healthcare. Apparently, several Republicans have recently used a lie about a Washington Post ‘Fact Check’ to support the GOP healthcare big lie.
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GOP big lie on healthcare

GOP big lie on healthcare

The GOP is rolling out the Big Lie. Sure there have been plenty of lies in the past couple years but this seems to be the biggest, boldest, and most absurd. The Republicans now claim they will protect health care and specifically mention pre-existing conditions.
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Biden rule was made by Republicans

Biden rule was made by Republicans

There is no Biden Rule. Republicans just made it a rule to justify a political trick.

This is pretty ancient history. We are going back at least 2 years since this “rule” was invoked, and then all the way to 1992 to see its roots. So why am I thinking about this today?
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Facts matter, at least to some of us

Facts matter, at least to some of us

Do facts matter to you?

I am reading The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic
by Benjamin Carter Hett. I just started, about 10% into it according to my Kindle, but I thought this was an interesting quote from the book.
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Are Republicans the Party of Death ?

Are Republicans the Party of Death ?

Generally, the Republican response to any mass shooting is that it is ‘too soon’ to talk about it, our ‘thoughts and prayers’ go out to victims, and then to stop anybody who tries to do something useful. Of course, this is just my opinion based on years of observation. They blocked legislation after Newtown, CT. They did nothing after Sutherland Springs, TX or Las Vegas NV. They seem ready to do nothing again. Are Republicans the Party of Death ?
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Are Republicans ashamed ?

Are Republicans ashamed ?

President Trump is busy attacking the FBI and Justice Department. Republicans used to believe in the rule of law. Are Republicans ashamed ? If not, why not?

Our intelligence agencies agreed with a high degree of certainty that Russia interfered in our 2016 election (.https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf ).

President Trump denies this. In some cases he says he knows better because he is very smart. I tend to think he has other motivations. Donald Trump’s denial is called the “2017 Lie of the Year” by Politifact .

WikiPedia has a long article on Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections for those who would like to review this and some more recent develpments in the investigations.

Recently, the President and some of his allies in Congress and on Fox news have been busy attacking the FBI and Justice Department. As President Trump says “A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves”.

Of course he seems to be thinking of those in leadership at the FBI and Justice Department but I think it is the Republicans who refuse to stand-up to this attack on the rule of law who should be ashamed.

We have heard objections from Senator John McCain and Gov. John Kasich. I may have missed a few others but I’ve heard few Republican objections or even mild disagreements.

In the words of Senator McCain:

The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests – no party’s, no president’s, only Putin’s. The American people deserve to know all of the facts surrounding Russia’s ongoing efforts to subvert our democracy, which is why Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must proceed unimpeded. Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.

So where are the the Repubican politicians? Do they still believe in the rule of law? Are Republicans ashamed ?

Republican blackmail

Republican blackmail

Is Republican blackmail too strong a way to describe the current negotiation to avoid a government shutdown? I don’t think so. Here’s why.

Just last month a deal was made to avoid a shutdown with another continuing resolution, the third continuing resolution for the fiscal year which just began October 1, less than 4 months ago. Continue reading “Republican blackmail”

Republicans don’t want a debate on net neutrality

Republicans don’t want a debate on net neutrality

Why do Republicans fear a debate?

When it was apparent that the disasterous party-line FCC ruling which eliminated net neutrality was coming, Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY18) introduced H.R.4585 – the Save Net Neutrality Act of 2017.

It was promply bottled-up in commitee. A few days ago the Democrats tried to forcent to have a floor debate on the bill which was voted down by the Republicans.

Why do Republicans fear a debate? Why do they not want freedom of choice?

Reverse Robin Hoods of the Senate

Reverse Robin Hoods of the Senate

It seems we have quite a few reverse Robin Hoods in the US Senate.

Remember Robin Hood. Rob from the rich and give to the poor. But that was back in the old days.

Modern Republicans are trying to rob from the poor and give to the rich. The Congresssional Budget Office (CBO) report is out on their tax bill and it confirms this.
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