Tag: Donald Trump

2020 Russian election advantages

2020 Russian election advantages

There is little doubt that Russia intervened in our presidential election of 2016 in favor of candidate Donald Trump. It has been confirmed multiple times by our intelligence agencies and most recently by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

President Trump denies this and takes the word of President Putin that Russia did not interfere in our elections over the findings of our intelligence agencies.
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Where are the pesos?  How about the Wall?

Where are the pesos? How about the Wall?

Where are the pesos? This ‘build a wall on the southern border and Mexico will pay’ promise was made as Donald Trump announced his campaign for President in 2016.

I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.

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Lies about the  great economy

Lies about the great economy

It is well known that President Trump has had a problem with the truth. Lies, misrepresentations and alternative facts have been apparent for a long time.

A fact checker put the number of lies and misrepresentations at over 20,000 since the beginning of his term and that was the number over a month ago . I’m not sure how many more lies and misrepresentations have passed his lips in recent weeks. We can argue over the exact number in this term but it is clear it is a big number.
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We were warned.   #WeWereWarned

We were warned. #WeWereWarned

Former President Barack Obama warned us of what could happen if Donald Trump was reelected. As I remember many of his speeches that we’ve heard have been more optimistic about the future of America. This was darker but still offered the hope that we would turn the current President out of office before he could continue his assault on democracy to the point where the damage was reversible.

It was an important warning about the importance of voting in the upcoming election. Read the transcript or watch the video.

Vote, it is very important this year.

Food for the living

Food for the living

Thanks to our President and his mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis millions of Americans are in great financial difficulty and quite often do not even have food to eat. In addition there are over 150,000 of us dead. I’ll not speak about them today, the hungry living will be my topic – Food for the Living.

As I’ve often mentioned: It did not have to be this bad.
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Ridiculous Republican corona virus relief plan

Ridiculous Republican corona virus relief plan

A bit over 2 months ago the House passed their corona virus relief bill (H.R.6800 – The Heroes Act) It was passed May 15, 2020 to help our county beyond the action taken earlier. This post specifically the unemployment benefits to help people when have lost the jobs in the Trump-Covid economy which are set to empire at the end of July.

Of course the Senate Republicans have done next to nothing since May 15 to address this problem. Except the occasional complaint about unemployment benefits being too high.
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Defund Homeland Security ????

Defund Homeland Security ????

Is it time to talk about defunding the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? It seems to be a needed function so we are not talking about a full defunding. It has been frequently misused by the Trump administration, often in violation of the law.

So what is the remedy?. It seems if President Trump is able order DHS to gas peaceful protests in American cities, imprison and torture child, and other outrages, DHS may have much more money than needed to provide it needed functions. Should the budget be decreased (a partial defunding)? Or would it be better to add additional safe guards or perhaps reorganize the department? Or maybe the easiest thing is just getting a new President or a Congress willing and able to stand up to the president when he does this type to thing?

There is a good article online about this id you would like to read more-


What should we do?

Consequences if Republicans overturn the Affordable Care Act

Consequences if Republicans overturn the Affordable Care Act

President Trump and other Republicans want to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This seem especially worrisome since Republicans have not offered an alternative. Consequences for quite a few American were mentioned in my previous post (Repeal ACA now and maybe replace later ).

In addition to the 20-23 million Americans who would lose their medical insurance mentioned in that post there are other consequences. Under the ACA, Medicaid was expanded to include more low income people if the state agreed. These people would become uninsured.
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Making the COVID-19 pandemic worse

Making the COVID-19 pandemic worse

In a series of great moves, President Trump seems to be trying to make the current pandemic worse for all Americans, especially middle class and poor Americans.

Millions are unemployed and over 140,000 Americans are dead. It did not have to be this bad.
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March Tweet on H1N1,   July update on COVID-19

March Tweet on H1N1, July update on COVID-19

Back on March 15 President Trump (aka @realDonaldTrump ) tweeted “The USA was never set up for this, just look at the catastrophe of the H1N1 Swine Flu (Biden in charge, 17,000 people lost, very late response time), but it soon will be.”

Remember those days when 17,000 seems like such a big number. The message of the tweet was clearly that where Obama and Biden failed to save us in that pandemic, and President Trump would save us in this one. He would prepare the USA to fight the pandemic and certainly have a smaller number of deaths.
Continue reading “March Tweet on H1N1, July update on COVID-19”

Protect Democracy from President Trump

Protect Democracy from President Trump

I’m a bit behind in my reading. I’m reading an issue to Time magazine that has been sitting on my coffee table for at least 2 weeks. There were a number of interesting articles about the state of American society but I want to discuss one of those articles today. I think there is at least one more that I will write about later.

Trench Lawfare: Inside the Battles to Save Democracy From the Trump Administration by Molly Ball starts like this but you really should read all of it.

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Read how the administration is undermining and endangering public health

Read how the administration is undermining and endangering public health

As a retired CDC employee and scientist I read the recent perspective in the Washington Post by 4 former directors of that public health agency.

It starts like this:
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Repeal ACA now and maybe replace later

Repeal ACA now and maybe replace later

President Trump has joined with other Republican officials in a lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA). (see Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike Down Affordable Care Act.)

A brief quote from that article:

If successful, the move would permanently end the health insurance program popularly known as Obamacare and wipe out coverage for as many as 23 million Americans.

Continue reading “Repeal ACA now and maybe replace later”

The commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence

The commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence

Once again the flaws in our justice system are on display. Senator Mitt Romney calls this ourtrage “Unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president.”
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