Erasing History: How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future

The book is Erasing History: How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future by Jason Stanley. The book is scheduled to be published on September 10.

I know that certain factions have insisted on a revised of history. It never made any sense to me. But that is probably because I am an American. The government could insist that something was true and maybe even force the education department to go along with it.

But in a democracy there would always be a those who voiced another opinion. And as Americans we would be free to decide who to believe. But what if we were not be free to disagree with the government version of history. There was only 1 acceptable version. And that was designed to make us believe what the government wants us to believe.

In Erasing History, Jason Stanley discusses how and why rewriting history is part of authoritarian and fascist governments method to gain power and eliminate democracy. This has happened in many counties around the world. So now I understand why they want us to believe their version of history and how they use it to enhance there power over the people,

It is happening in the United States and must be stopped if we would like to remain a free country.

Several years ago I reviewed a book called The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic by Benjamin Carter Hett.

I was stuck in particular by the statement:

“among the Weimar Republic’s more fatal defects was that millions of its people deeply believed things that were verifiably untrue.”

This is true in America today. I closed my review by asking:

Is history repeating itself? It is not exactly the same but some things seem pretty close.

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