Fact or Fiction in the Impeachment Inquiry

So far in the Impeachment Inquiry, it seems as if the Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee are more interested in obtaining facts while the Republican members are more interested in fiction which misleads the public and defends President Trump.

We have heard from several witnesses and the picture that emerges keeps getting worse for the President. And Republicans keep try to defend him with misleading claims and constantly changing stories.

Here is a brief quote from the article cited above

President Trump, his defenders, and the Republican Party writ large have increasingly tied themselves in tighter and tighter knots, piling one conspiracy theory atop another. There’s the “Russia Hoax,” the “Deep State,” the idea that US intelligence had an “insurance policy” to keep Trump from winning, the crazy notion that the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike is somehow hiding the DNC’s server in Ukraine (an idea still being pushed by former representative Sean Duffy).

And then there are two other widely discredited Ukraine-focused conspiracy theories that Trump himself appears to believe: That Ukraine actually was responsible for the 2016 election attack carried out by Russian intelligence, and that somehow Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the Ukrainian company Burisma are wrapped up in some corrupt embrace worthy of criminal charges.

Witness Dr. Fiona Hill, the former top Russia expert on the National Security Council in President Trump’s White House, denounced a “fictional narrative” employed by both the President and his GOP supporters. This theory that Ukraine rather than Russia, interfered in the 2016 election. Indeed intelligence officers had briefed Senators on this Russian disinformation campaign.

Because this false narrative has taken hold in the GOP and featured prominently in the Impeachment Inquiry, Russian President Vladimir Putin is very happy that his country is no longer being blamed for interference in the 2016 election. The US intelligence agencies still believe Russia was guilty and still continues to attack our elections but the situation has been made much messier.

Thanks to Republican ineptness and gullibility the hearings are going well for Vladimir Putin.

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