Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Book

After reading about the many candidates running in the Democratic presidential primary and watching the primary debates, I decided that Senator Amy Klobuchar is the best candidate in that group. So I decided to read her book. The book is called The Senator Next Door: A Memoir from the Heartland.

I enjoyed the book. The first 2 chapters were family background and childhood memories. It did not find that part as interesting as later parts of the book so did some skimming there. It is good background information but there was some stuff I thought I could do without. I thought it got much more interesting when she got to college.

She goes into quite a bit of detail on her campaigns, her time as a county prosecutor, and her two terms in the Senate. (She is now in her third term.) I especially liked that it explained well her moderate approach to politics and bipartisan friendships.

The copy I got out of our library is 292 pages of text and then about another 50 pages of notes and index. The book is a few years old (2015) so there is probably not a long wait list at the library and free is a good option for many of you. That may be less true as we get further in the the campaign season. Also the book is somewhat cheaper than many newer books so If you are thinking of a purchase that is good news. The Amazon link above is useful if you’d like to see the reviews of other readers.

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