Republican hypocrisy on first hand witnesses

Republicans hypocrisy again. We previously heard Republican complaints about the closed hearings and now open hearings in the impeachment inquiry. So far in the open hearings we have heard from several witnesses from the State Department about the effect on diplomacy and specifically their job as a result of President Trump’s actions.

As far as I can tell they have been very clear about what they know as a result of first hand information and what they believe based on what they have heard from others in the State Department.

In their questions, Republicans have made a big deal about the testimony being second hand information and so they say we should not believe it. The Republican President and his Republican appointees are preventing first hand witnesses from testifying and not turn over documents which might shed light on the matters under investigation.

The Republicans hypocrisy is saying we need first hand witness at the same time they are preventing them from testifying or providing information in the impeachment inquiry.

Are these the actions of an innocent President? Is his party complicated? Is this worse than Watergate?

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