1984 anthology for 21st century

I started reading this 1984 anthology of essays as it seemed timely. The full title is “1984 in the 21st Century: An Anthology of Essays” and I enjoyed it very much. There is a series of essays of varying length and approaches to applying George Orwell’s 1984 to our modern society. The editor (Lori Perkins) has assembled a very interesting series of essays.

I had not gotten too far when it occurred to me I should re-read George Orwell’s 1984 to refresh my memory. I knew I had read in in high school and re-read it at least once or twice a bit more recently but still. I think my last re-reading was over 10 years ago.

Orwell’s 1984 has become a best seller in the last few months and some booksellers have sold out. But I was lucky enough to find an old paperback copy in the basement. Yes, remember those days when a mass market paperback was less than a dollar. But I digress. Suffice it to say I enjoyed the re-reading. Now back to the review.

I think this anthology is a good one and well worth your time. There were some essays with points of view I agreed with. There were others that I disagreed with but could understand why the author felt that way. No matter how you think Orwell’s book is relevant, or perhaps not so relevant, to our society, you will surely find stuff you agree with and things you disagree with.

And sometimes understanding another point of views is a worthwhile endeavor.

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