Listen carefully to Mitt Romney. Although he does seem exceedingly vague at times and often mathematically challenged. Some of what he says may give you an idea about his plans. But you must listen carefully and think about it.
Governor Romney is no doubt a very smart man. He has made a fortune in business so I doubt his grasp of math is as weak as his statements might suggest. He has been very successful in business, in running the Salt Lake Olympics and as Governor. So I don’t think his thinking is vague. But as a successful politician, he must be vague to mask his ideas that some or maybe even most voters would not agree with.
What got me thinking about this was an article in the Christian Science Monitor. The article explained how his statement about the rich paying the same percentage of income tax as now really has nothing to do with the rich and not-so-rich getting similar benfits from the tax plan or the tax system maintaining its progressive nature.
Then there are other tax issues such as inheritance and payroll taxes. Listen carefully of what he says and read this article