Much has been said in the press and on blogs lately about pensions. And quite often the focus is on public employees. But little, if anything, is said about abuse of public pensions by politicians.
Should the public employee who has worked 30 years be treated diffently than the career politician? How about the politician who is in office for say 26 or 28 years and then appointed to a postion for a few years to allow them to qualify for a 30 year pension?
The union leader is upset because there has been an escalating attack on the pension and health benefits of public employees .Katz Public workers are public servants who have dedicated their lives to providing needed and critical public services to New Jersey. Leave it to to characterize state and local government employees as people dedicating their lives to public service. They are bureaucrats and other government workers who are no more special or important to society than private sector workers.We believe police and firefighters deserve special consideration they put their lives on the line for all of us that is true public service.
Sorry to be so long getting back to you. I agree we have a special obligation to those who put their lives on the line. I also believe there are clear cases of abuse of the pension system and those should be dealt with. However the vast majority of cases are not abusive and the escalating attacks on public service workers are not helpful.