I am a big fan of Pete Hamill’s books. Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, I’ll re-read Forever, or one of his other books and write a review here but for now I just have a question. I understand that he has a new book coming out on immigration and I would like to read it. I had read it is only going to be released as an e-book and I thought it was coming our this fall. Last I read said November 15 but I don’t see anywhere to get it. Does anyone know anything about this book< I did a search and can't find anything current. I also looked at his website and Facebook page but there is no information.
The book was postponed due to illness of his wife. You can google it and see the whole story which came out about a week ago.
Thanks. I missed it but if you do a Google advanced search and limit it to stuff in the last month, it picks up a few stories.