President Trump holds many titles The Constitution states that the chief executive “shall be Commander in Chief” (Article 2, Section 2). And many would award him with various other titles including liar-in-chief, Commander in Cheat, and probably a few others.
Is Weatherman-in-chief his latest?
However now he seems to be using the power of the Federal government to say his lies are the truth. It has been reported by the New York Times, CNN, the Atlantic, the Washington Examiner and others that the President has via the chain of command (President to Chief-of-Staff to Cabinet to Federal Agency) to tell lies in support of his lie about Hurricane Dorian endangering Alabama.
President Trump has denied this but who believes him now?
What is next?
Will he lie that air pollution is good for us, that the economy gained millions of jobs last month, that he has solved a crisis, etc.?
Will the relevant agencies support his lies?
Should we doubt everything a Federal official tells us?
This is a very bad precedent.
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